Thursday, September 29, 2011

Maggie Doyne, a true heroine of the young generation

Most people on a gap year are content with just seeing the world. And not to try and change it. But on her return, Maggie decided to start a home in Nepal with the aim to sustain and improve the quality of life for children of Nepal. Her next big goal is to to build a school for the children.

She has since started her foundation called BlinkNow Foundation to share her ideas with other young people. Maggie won The prestigious Do Something award in America for all that she has done so far.

I simply love Maggie Doyne ! She is a true heroine of this amazing new generation.

Follow Maggie on Twitter , Facebook and on her website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you know Maggie! I met her twice... I love her! - @cdn